LOCAL 2000, U.A.W.
Section 1. This
organization shall be known as the Avon Lake Amalgamated U.A.W. Local 2000, a
Local of the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and
Agricultural Implement Workers of America, affiliated with the U.A.W.
1. The jurisdiction of Avon Lake
Amalgamated U.A.W. Local 2000 shall extend to and cover eligible members of all
units within U.A.W. Local 2000, except those duly chartered by the
International Union, U.A.W. or otherwise excluded by jurisdictional agreement.
2. The
purpose of this section is to identify the units within the amalgamated UAW
Local 2000. In these by-laws the units shall be identified by number.
(A) Unit 1 – Employees of Ohio Assembly Plant
covered by the UAW Ford Master Agreement
(B) Unit 2 – Nurses at Ohio Assembly Plant
(C) Unit 3 – Employees of Leadec Industrial Services, Ohio and GDI
Assembly Plant
(D) Unit 4 – Employees of Source Providers, Inc., 1200 B
Chester Industrial Parkway, Avon, Ohio 44011
(E) Unit
5 – Employees of Detroit Chassis, 1200 Chester Industrial Parkway, Avon, Ohio
(F) Unit
6 – Employees of Autokiniton, 1190 Jaycox Road, Avon, Ohio 44011
Section 1. The objectives of this organization shall
be to organize and unite into our organization, regardless of religion, race,
color, sex, creed, political affiliation or nationality, age, disability,
marital status or sexual orientation all workers under its jurisdiction – to
act as the collective bargaining agent, to improve the working and general
living conditions and to create a uniform system of higher wages and shorter
Section 2. To educate our Membership in the history of
the labor movement and to develop and maintain an intelligent and dignified
Membership in the ranks of organized labor – to vote and work for the election
of candidates and the passage of legislation in the interest of all labor to
promote industrial unionism.
Section 3. To abide by the International Constitution,
U.A.W. and By-Laws of the Local 2000, U.A.W.
Section 1. The Local Union shall be composed of
workers eligible for U.A.W. Membership according to the provisions of the
International Union, U.A.W., of America.
Section 2. A Membership Card, Local By-Laws, a copy of
the International Constitution, U.A.W. and a copy of the Unit(s) National and/or
Local Agreements shall be provided and given to each Member as requested.
Section 3. The initiation fee shall be twenty-five
dollars ($25). Dues per month shall be two and one half (2 1/2) hours base rate
of pay including cost of living. Any delinquent Member not considered in good
standing shall be subject to a re-admission fee of twenty-five dollars ($25).
Section 4. Dues, fines, penalties and refunds of dues
or initiation fees shall be in accordance with the International Constitution,
Section 5. The By-Laws of this Local Union shall be
subordinate to the International Constitution, U.A.W.
Section 1. It shall be the duty of each Member to
conscientiously uphold their obligation as a Member of the Local Union and the
International Union, U.A.W.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of each Member, where eligible, to participate in all Local, State and Federal Elections through
registration and balloting.
Section 3. It shall be the duty of each Member to
render aid and assistance to other Members in case of illness, death, or
distress and in every way conduct himself/herself as a loyal and devoted Member of the
Local and International Union, U.A.W.
Section 1. The highest authority of the Local Union
shall be vested in the General Membership Meeting.
Section 2. Between the General Membership Meetings,
the highest authority shall be the Local Union Executive Board.
Section 3. Between the meetings of the Executive
Board, the administrative authority of the Local Union shall be vested in the
President of the Local, subject to the approval of the Executive Board and the
General Membership.
Section 1. Local
2000, U.A.W. shall hold at least one (1) regular General Membership Meeting
within the second week of each month; however, the meeting in either the month
of July or August, or both, may be cancelled by majority vote of the Membership
at the General Membership Meeting held in May or June of the same year. This
does not pertain to a Special Membership Meeting which may be called by the
Local Executive Board.
(A) Exceptions to the time or date of a Regular
Monthly Membership Meeting due to unforeseen difficulties may be changed by
majority vote of the Executive Board or majority Membership vote at a previous
Membership Meeting.
Section 2. A Special Membership Meeting may be called
by majority vote of the Executive Board.
The Membership must be duly notified of such meeting by mail or
notification on Union bulletin boards in the plant. In case of dire necessity, the Membership
shall be alerted verbally of any emergency meeting at the gates of the plant(s)
and/or by Local radio station.
Section 3. No meeting shall last over two (2) hours
except with the consent of a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the attending Membership.
Section 4. Any Member who attends a meeting in an
intoxicated condition and/or creates a disturbance, or becomes unruly, shall
lose voice and his/her right to vote at said meeting. Where necessary to maintain
order, the Member may be evicted from the meeting by order of the Chairperson,
subject to the challenge of the Membership. Flagrant or persistent violation of
this section by any Member shall be considered conduct unbecoming a Union
Section 5. All Members, if requested by the Guide or
Sergeant-at-Arms, must present their union, Ohio Assembly, or photo ID card
before being admitted into a Membership Meeting. If a Member is unable to
present his/her card, he/she may ask to be identified by a Member prior to being
Section 6. A Member not in good standing with the
Union shall not be allowed to attend a Membership Meeting without special
permission from the Executive Board. A current list of delinquent Members shall
be available at the sign-in table. (See duties of Local Officers.)
Section 7. A quorum shall be required for the
transaction of business at any Membership Meeting.
General Membership and/or Unit 1 quorum shall consist of 60 members.
Unit(s) 2, 3, 4 and 5 Membership Meeting quorums shall consist of 3
Section 8. All Members prior to entering a meeting
shall sign an Attendance Roster which shall be kept as a Local Union record and
becomes a part of the approved minutes of that meeting.
Section 9. To expedite business, the presiding Officer
need not call for a motion or vote on routine bills and correspondence until
all have been read.
There shall be a
pause between each bill to give any Member an opportunity to question said
bill. If there are no questions, the presiding Officer may state, "Bill to
be paid," "Received and filed," or any other action necessary.
Section 10. Questions of parliamentary nature shall be
decided by Roberts Rules of Order. A copy of which shall be made available at
all meetings by the Recording Secretary.
Section 11. The order of business for Membership Meetings
shall be in the following order: Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag; Roll-call of
Officers and Committeepersons; Reading of the Minutes of the previous Meeting;
Voting on applications and initiations of new Members; Reading of the Financial
Secretary and Treasurer's Report; Recommendations of the Executive Board to the
Membership; one-half (1/2) hour discussion of shop problems; Good and Welfare
discussion; Report of the President; Reports of Officers, Committeepersons and
Delegates; Communications and Bills; Unfinished Business; New Business; A
moment of silence or a silent prayer in respect for our ailing or deceased
Members; Adjournment; Drawing. These
rules may be temporarily suspended or amended by the Membership.
Section 12. Notice of all meetings shall be posted on
Union bulletin boards in the plant(s) by the Recording Secretary, at least
seven (7) days in advance of the meeting, unless an emergency has arisen.
Section 13. The President may, for just cause, request
any elected or appointed Official to be present on the rostrum.
Section 14. A copy of each month's financial report,
together with a copy of each month's General Membership Meeting minutes, shall
be placed in a loose-leaf binder which shall be kept at the Local Union Office
and at the monthly Membership Meetings and shall be available, upon written
request to the Recording Secretary, for inspection by any Member of the Local
Section 15. Departmental Meetings shall be scheduled by
the Unit Chairperson at the request of twenty-five percent (25%) of the
department. The meeting shall be held within ten (10) days of such
Section 16. No alcoholic beverages will be served or
allowed in the hall before or during any meetings.
Section 17. A twenty-five dollar ($25) drawing will be
held immediately after adjournment of each Regular Monthly General Membership
Meeting. Stubs must be filled out and placed into a box prior to the start of
the Membership Meeting. Winner must be
present to win.
Section 18. A fifty-dollar ($50) drawing will
be held immediately following the twenty-five dollar ($25) drawing. This drawing will be held when at
least two hundred (200) members are contributing at least two dollars ($2) per
month to the UAW V-CAP Program.
Section 1. Local 2000, U.A.W. shall have the following
elected Executive Board Officers:
President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Recording
Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Guide, three (3)
Trustees, and Retirees' Member-at-Large. Each elected Executive Board Officer
shall have voice and vote at Executive Board Meetings.
Section 2. The duties of the Executive Board Officers
of Local 2000, U.A.W. shall be as prescribed in the Constitution of the U.A.W.,
International Union, with the following additions:
(A) The Executive Board shall meet at least
once a month prior to the regular monthly General Membership Meeting. The
President shall notify all Executive Board Members at least three (3) days
prior to the meeting.
(B) Special
Executive Board Meetings may be called by the President or at the request of at
least six (6) Executive Board Members.
(C) It
shall be the duty of the President or Acting President to see that all Executive
Board Members are duly notified of all Executive Board Meetings verbally, by
mail, or by plant bulletin boards.
(D) Any
Member of Local 2000, U.A.W. may appear before the Executive Board for any
action or business he/she may wish to call to the attention of the Executive Board
by applying to the Recording Secretary, in writing, requesting to be heard. The
Recording Secretary shall, within three (3) days, notify said Member of time
and place of the next Executive Board Meeting.
(E) Among
the obligations and responsibilities of the Executive Board Officers is the
responsibility to attend all scheduled meetings as outlined in Article 21 of
these By-Laws and the International Constitution, U.A.W.
(F) A
majority of the Local Union Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.
(G) It
shall be the duty of the Executive Board to see that all Committees function
properly and to alert the Membership in the event there is a laxity of a
Committee or Member. (See Article 21 of the Local Union By-Laws.)
(H) It
shall be the duty of the Executive Board, in accordance with the International
Constitution, to review each issue of the Local Union paper prior to
publication; and, where necessary, shall take steps to bring the contents and
policy of the paper into conformity with the policy of the International Union,
(I) The
Executive Board shall have the authority to direct payment of all current
monthly bills of the Local Union.
(J) Line
of succession shall be as follows: President, First Vice-President, Second
Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Chairman
of the Trustees, the other two (2) Trustees by vote, Sergeant-at-Arms and
(K) Unit
Chairpersons and Unit Bargaining Committeepersons shall be allowed to attend
all Executive Board Meetings with voice, but no vote.
Section 1. PRESIDENT
The duties shall
be as defined in the Constitution of the U.A.W. and the following:
(A) Shall
preside at all meetings, enforce the Local Union By-Laws and the Constitution
of the International Union, U.A.W.;
(B) Shall call to order the first meeting of each newly-elected committee so that such committee may elect its Chairperson and Secretary so as to proceed upon its own course;
(C) Shall be a member ex officio of all standing committees, except the Election
Committee and the Trial Committee; and
(D) Shall, immediately following the Installation Ceremony, read Article 21 of the Local
Union By-Laws to all elected and appointed officials of the Local Union.
(E) The President or Acting President shall be a full-time assignment and, while performing the duties of the office, the weekly compensation shall be equal to one-fifty-second (1/52) of an
International Rep’s annual base pay. Compensation shall be paid as follows:
(1) Compensation shall be any combination of Company pay, retirement pay and/or Social Security benefits pay.
(2) The Local Union shall then contribute the remaining amount to bring the compensation in line with the stated weekly wage.
He/She shall be entitled to all profit sharing and performance bonuses on all eligible wages provided by the Local Union. These wages will be based on those formulas and percentages provided by the UAW National Ford Department.
(F) While on approved Medical Leave, the President or Acting President shall be entitled to receive sick benefits as any other Member working in the plant. Payment shall be made as follows:
(1) Ford Motor Company provides compensation in compliance with the U.A.W. National Agreement;
(2) The
Local Union shall then contribute 60% of the compensation as defined in Article
9, Section 1, Subsection (E)(2) of these By-Laws.
(3) The provisions of this Subsection will
take effect upon the installation of the new Officers following the May, 2002
The duties shall be as defined in the Constitution of the U.A.W. and the following:
(A) Shall assume the duties of the President during the absence or incapacity of the
President and when the President wishes to relinquish the Chair to discuss an
Shall assist in preserving order and shall aid in conducting local ceremonies; and
Shall succeed to the Presidency in the event of a vacancy in that Office.
The duties shall
be as defined in the Constitution of the U.A.W. and the following:
Shall assist in preserving
order at all Membership Meetings; and
(B) Shall
diligently protect the general well-being of all its Members regardless of
race, color, sex, creed, nationality, political affiliation, religion, age,
disability, marital status or sexual orientation.
The duties shall
be as defined in the Constitution of the U.A.W. and the following:
(A) Shall
keep the correct minutes of each General Membership and Executive Board Meeting
in a loose-leaf binder which shall be available for the Membership's inspection
upon written request to the Recording Secretary;
Shall read and preserve all
documents and correspondence;
Shall post all elections,
Membership Meetings and all other important notices;
Shall maintain a permanent
attendance record of the Membership and Executive Board Meetings;
(E) Shall
be authorized two (2) days lost time per month to conduct their duties as
outlined in the Constitution, U.A.W.; and
(F) Shall
make available a copy of all call letters to each Executive Board Member prior
to the regular Executive Board Meeting.
The duties shall
be as defined in the Constitution, U.A.W. and the following:
Shall, on demand of the Local
Executive Board, Trustees or Membership, produce his/her books for examination and
Shall give a written financial
report at each monthly Executive Board Meeting and at all regular monthly
Membership Meetings of Local 2000, U.A.W.
The report shall conform to the guidelines set forth by the
International Union, U.A.W. A report of itemized expenses shall be available to
all Members during normal office hours;
Shall not hold more than fifty
dollars ($50) in petty cash to meet immediate demands. Must keep an exact
itemized report of petty cash spent and have all receipts for same;
Shall make all payments duly
Shall have all checks and vouchers
properly filled in before they are countersigned;
Shall determine eligibility of
all candidates for Office and provide an updated and valid list of eligible
Shall be required to make
available at each monthly meeting a list of all delinquent Members; and
Shall be a full-time assignment
compensated by the Local Union as follows:
(1) He/She
shall receive a weekly wage of fifty-two (52) hours straight-time pay. His/Her
schedule shall be a minimum of forty (40) hours per week. Compensation shall be
any combination of retirement pay and/or Social Security benefits pay to bring
the compensation in line with the stated weekly wage.
(2) His/Her hourly
rate shall be equivalent to the rate of pay for the classification last held in
the plant.
(3) For the
purposes of determining rate of compensation, he/she shall be allowed to change his/her
classification to one in which he/she would be the successful seniority bidder if
he/she were, in actuality, an active employee in his/her Unit. It should be noted that
it is the responsibility of the Financial Secretary to monitor the bids opening
in his/her Unit and to respond during the same time constraints as an active
(4) He/She shall
receive compensation equivalent to the negotiated items in the Master Agreement
between Ford Motor Company and the U.A.W. providing:
(a) COLA,
annual improvement factors, paid holidays, Christmas bonus, profit-sharing, and performance bonuses on all eligible wages,
but excluding participation in the TESPE program. Profit sharing and performance bonuses will be based on those formulas
and percentages provided by the UAW National Ford Department.
(b) He/She shall receive vacation pay in
accordance with his/her seniority eligibility with any unused vacation paid “in
(c) He/She
shall receive comparable hospital-surgical-medical-drug-dental-vision expense-accident
and sickness-accidental death and dismemberment and life or other insurance
(I) While
on approved Medical Leave, the Financial Secretary shall be entitled to receive
sick benefits as any other Member working in the plant. Payment shall be made
as follows:
(1) From the proceeds of the Accident & Sickness insurance policy as noted in Article 9, Section 5, Subsection (H)(4)(c) of these By-Laws; and,
(2) The Local Union shall then contribute an additional amount to bring the Accident; Sickness compensation to equal 60% of the total wages as defined in Article 9, Section 5, Subsection (H)(1) of these By-Laws.
(3) The provisions of this Subsection will
take effect upon the installation of the new Officers following the May, 2002
Section 6. TREASURER
The duties shall
be as defined in the Constitution, U.A.W. and the following:
Shall certify the validity of
each check, in relation to the Membership's recommendation for approval, before
countersigning; and
Shall duly avail himself/herself at
least twice a week to perform such duties as outlined in the International
Constitution, U.A.W.
The duties shall be
as defined in the Constitution, U.A.W. and the following:
Shall be responsible for the
checking of the General Membership attendance and assisting in maintaining
order at Local Union Meetings;
Shall be available at least
one-half (1/2) hour prior to each General Membership Meeting to assist the
Guide in setting up the meeting facilities;
Shall have available for
inspection a current copy of delinquent Members (copy to be supplied by the
Financial Secretary); and
Shall be responsible for
monthly General Membership drawing (as defined in Article 7, Section 17 of
these By-Laws).
Section 8. GUIDE
The duties shall
be as defined in the Constitution, U.A.W. and the following:
Shall assist in maintaining
order and shall introduce visitors to the Chairperson;
Shall be available at least
one-half (1/2) hour prior to each General Membership Meeting to assist the
Sergeant-at-Arms in setting up the Meeting facilities; and
(C) Shall
be responsible to see that the United States, Ohio and the U.A.W. flags are
displayed at membership meetings.
Section 9. TRUSTEES
Their duties shall
be as defined in the Constitution, U.A.W. and the following:
Shall post on the plant(s) Union
bulletin boards:
(1) Bids for all Local Union property to be sold;
(2) Bids for work to be performed at the Local
Union property.
(3) The period of bidding will be a minimum of
seven (7) days.
All bids are to be placed in a sealed
envelope and delivered to the Local Union Hall and not opened until the bidding
period has ended. All bids will be taken to the Executive Board and Membership
unless previously approved; and
(B) Shall
make available all Local Union records for inspection to any Local Union
Member, provided a specific written request is addressed to the Chairperson of
the Trustees or the Recording Secretary.
The Trustees shall elect their own Chairperson.
Section 1. The Local Union election for Executive Board Officers, Unit Chairpersons, Unit Bargaining Committeepersons, and Unit District Committeepersons/Stewards and/or other Unit Representatives for three (3) year terms, shall take place by secret ballot during May. Installation shall take place at the regular monthly General Membership Meeting following the election.
Section 2. Elections will be conducted in accordance
with the International Constitution and guided by the U.A.W. International
Union's published pamphlet, "The Guide for Local Union Elections". At
least seven (7) calendar days shall elapse between the deadline date of
nominations to the election. At least
seven (7) calendar days, but not to exceed fifteen (15) calendar days, shall
elapse between the election and the run-off election.
Section 3. Notification for all nominations, elections
and possible run-offs, shall include the following information:
Specified date the election
shall be conducted (one day – 24 hours, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, only);
Hours polls shall be open;
Place of voting;
A predetermined one (1) day
run-off date;
The Election Committee
Chairperson's name, Union Office phone number and address; and
The Offices (positions) open
for nomination and election.
(G) Executive Board positions shall be
elected from all Units within Local 2000, U.A.W. Unit Chairpersons, Unit
Bargaining Committeepersons and Unit District Committeepersons / Stewards
and/or other Unit Representatives shall be elected by their respective Units.
Section 4. All eligible Members of Local 2000, U.A.W.,
shall stand automatically nominated for:
(A) Any
one (1) Local Union Executive Board office or within their respective Unit,
Unit Chairperson, or Unit Bargaining Committeeperson or Unit District
Committeeperson / Stewards or other Unit Offices, providing they have been a
Member in continuous good standing for a period of one (1) year immediately
prior to the deadline date for the acceptance of nominations.
Members who anticipate to
accept any of the aforementioned nominations may indicate their intentions of
Office they seek by individually notifying the Chairperson of the Election
Committee by written notice in person or by mail to the Local Union Hall, postmarked
no later than midnight on the deadline date of nominations. A candidate shall
be permitted the right to submit in writing his or her commonly known name,
including his or her nickname as desired to appear on the ballot. Nominations received
by mail shall not be opened by the Election Committee until after deadline of
the nomination date.
Nominations for the General
Triennial Elections for Executive Board Officers, Unit Chairpersons, Unit
Bargaining, Unit District Committeepersons/Stewards and other Unit Offices
shall be scheduled to commence the first Monday after the 12th day of April of
the General Election year and continue thereon for seven (7) consecutive
calendar days.
Nominations for the election of
Delegates to any U.A.W. International Convention(s) and the filling of
vacancies that occur on our Local Union Executive Board or Unit Bargaining
Committee between any General Triennial Elections shall be held on a seven (7)
day acceptance period in compliance with the provisions of our International Constitution,
U.A.W. and Local By-Laws.
No member shall be eligible
for more than one (1) elective office in the General Election, with the
exception of the Skilled Trades Chairperson/Committeeperson, in accordance with
provisions of Section 4(A) of this Article.
In the event of an election to
fulfill a vacancy on the Executive Board, any potential candidate who presently
holds an Executive Office shall resign their present Office at least fifteen (15)
days prior to nominations so as to permit the nominations and election of candidates
for both Offices during the same election.
(G) No
member shall hold more than one (1) elected office simultaneously with the
exception of the Skilled Trades Chairperson/Committeeperson.
Nominations for a standing
Election Committee consisting of nine (9) Members shall take place at the
February General Membership Meeting.
The Election Committee shall
be democratically elected by secret ballot at the March General Membership
Meeting, for an immediate three (3) year term.
They shall conduct all Local
Union elections, ratifications and strike votes for the period of three (3)
years. Failure to fulfill these obligations can result in the removal from the
Election Committee by recommendation of the Executive Board with approval of
the Membership.
Candidates receiving the next
highest votes for Election Committee shall act as alternates to fulfill
Election Committee vacancies.
The Election Committee shall
be responsible for the election of its own Chairperson, Co-Chairperson and
Recording Secretary.
The duties of the Election
Committee shall be to act as checkers and tellers and make other arrangements
including mandates or recommendations from the International Constitution,
U.A.W., Local By-Laws and Membership.
No candidate in any election
shall be a member of the Election Committee having supervision over such
No protest to an election shall
be considered unless raised within seven (7) days of the closing of the polls
or at the next General Membership Meeting, whichever is later.
(I) Seven
(7) Members present and signing Attendance Roster at the February General
Membership Meeting shall be appointed by the President and approved by the
Membership to conduct the election of the Election Committee.
Section 6. UNIT
For the purpose of
this section, the current Agreements between Ford Motor Company and Local 2000,
U.A.W. shall constitute what a Skilled Trade is.
The Committee shall be made up
of one (1) representative from each Skilled Trade, elected by his/her trade for a
term of three (3) years.
The Skilled Trades
Chairperson/Committeeperson shall be elected solely by majority vote, only by
Skilled Trades Members for a term of three (3) years.
The election for Skilled Trades
Representatives shall be held concurrent with the Local 2000 General Elections.
(D) The Skilled Trades Chairperson/Committeeperson
shall be an Automatic Delegate to Skilled Trades Sub-Council #3, Skilled Trades
Conventions and chairs the Local Skilled Trades Committee.
The Skilled Trades Committee
shall be convened when necessary, at the Unit Chairperson's discretion. Prior
approval for lost time shall be obtained from the Executive Board and the
Section 7.
All records pertaining to
elections, including ballots and notices, shall be preserved by the Election
Committee for one (1) year after each election, in a sealed container, unless
there is an appeal; then, the ballots will be preserved indefinitely until the
appeal is finally resolved. When voting machines are used which do not
automatically print tally sheets, the requirements for preserving of ballots
shall be met by having the final totals copied from the machines onto sheets of
paper and certified as accurate by the Election Committee. Any challengers who
are present during the counting shall sign their names to these sheets for
verification of same.
(B) The
use of Public Accountants, if necessary, or the use of voting machines shall be
approved by the Membership.
Each candidate shall have the
right to have one (1) Local Union Member as challenger present when the votes
are cast and tabulated, providing a written request is submitted to the
Chairperson of the Election Committee not less than one (1) hour prior to the
opening of the polls.
Challengers shall be shown every courtesy
and have the right to inspect all voting equipment, machinery or material prior
to the election polls being opened. They shall also be advised of all methods,
systems and procedures in effect and shall have the right to see that the
Election Committee is properly safeguarding all ballots and election machinery,
equipment and material.
The day prior to voting when
preliminary preparations for setting up and guarding voting machines is
necessary, only the Election Committee Chairperson and Co-Chairperson shall be
compensated for lost time.
Any form of campaigning,
campaign literature or alcoholic beverages shall not be allowed in and about
the voting place or within one hundred feet (100’) of the entrance of the
polls. Violation of this section shall be considered conduct unbecoming a Union
Member, subject to Constitutional Trial Procedure.
Copies of election regulations
shall be posted in a prominent position in the voting area and members of the
Election Committee shall make themselves acquainted with same.
There shall be one (1) polling
place for General Elections, Executive Board Officers, U.A.W. Constitutional
Convention Delegates, Unit Chairpersons, Unit Bargaining, Unit District
Committeepersons/Stewards and other Unit Offices.
Positions on the ballot shall
be drawn by lot, in the presence of all available candidates or assigned
authorized Members at a special meeting after the deadline date of nominations
for the General Election of Candidates at the Local Union Hall. Each Candidate
shall retain their original assigned ballot number in the event of a run-off.
Candidates or their selected authorized persons who are not present at this
meeting shall have their ballot position drawn by the Election Committee
Members must present their
Ohio Assembly ID Card, or other suitable photo identification (Driver's
License, etc.) at the time of voting.
A list of Retirees and Members
on sick leave, who do not appear on the check-off list, shall be furnished to
the Election Committee by the Financial Secretary.
Procedure for Limited
Absentee Balloting
The procedure that may
be adopted by the Local Union, U.A.W. prior to nominations in any election in
which such rules would apply, is as follows:
A Member who will be away from
his/her Local Union during the entire period of an election or ratification vote
(a) on a work assignment for his/her employer
(b) on Local Union business,
apply for an absentee ballot by filing with his/her Local Union by mail (registered
or certified), or in person, a signed statement that he/she will be away from his/her
Local Union for the entire period of the election or ratification vote, on a
work assignment by his/her employer or on Local Union business. Such statement or
request must be filed with the Local Union in sufficient time for the Member to
secure a ballot and re-deposit same with the Local Union prior to the start of
the election or ratification vote.
(2) Upon
such certified application, the Local Union shall immediately provide the
Member with a ballot and two envelopes, one return-addressed. The Member shall
place his/her marked ballot in the unmarked envelope and enclose it in the
return-addressed envelope.
(3) The
ballot, as indicated, may then be presented to the Local Union in person or as
contained in the return-addressed envelope returned by mail (registered or
certified). However, under either circumstance, the ballot must be received by
the Local Union before the start of the election or ratification vote.
Any voter spoiling or defacing
his/her ballot shall return it to the Election Committee who shall immediately mark
it "VOID" in his/her presence and then issue him/her a new ballot. Voided
ballots shall be preserved indefinitely until the appeal is finally resolved.
By secret ballot is meant the
expression by ballot, voting machine or otherwise, but in no event by proxy, of
a choice with respect to any election or vote taken upon any matter, which is
cast in such a manner that the expressing of such choice cannot be identified
with the choice expressed.
Any ballot which clearly
indicates the intentions of the voter shall be considered valid. However, where
a ballot bears any indication of defacing, it shall be void.
Where a Member has voted for
more candidates than are permitted for the Office, or if for any reason the
Member's vote for a particular Office is declared invalid, the Member's vote
for that Office shall not be counted. However, this shall not affect the
validity of the remainder of the ballot.
Any voter in line at the polls
at the time of closing will be permitted to vote.
All qualified Members,
regardless if they voted at the original election, shall be entitled to vote in
a run-off election.
Election for all Local Union
Executive Board Officers and Unit Chairpersons shall require a majority of the
votes cast for that Office. Election for both Unit Bargaining Committeepersons,
Unit District Committeepersons/Stewards and other Unit Offices shall require a
plurality of votes cast for the Office.
In the event a candidate
receives less than fifteen (15) votes differential, his/her challenger must
immediately submit a written request for a recount, which will be at no expense
to the candidate. In the procedure of a recount, only the protested Office
shall be recounted.
All ballots must be issued to
the Members at the specified place of voting by the Election Committee.
Election of Executive Board
Members, Unit Chairpersons, Unit Bargaining Committeepersons, Unit District Committeepersons
/ Stewards, Unit Skilled Trades Chairperson/Committeeperson, and other Unit
Offices and all Retiree Chapter Offices shall be held simultaneously.
Voters shall be allowed a five
(5) minute limit in the voting booth to cast their ballots.
Name or names of Candidate(s)
running for Union office shall not be used for the purpose of election
campaigning literature without the written consent of the individual involved.
Violation of this section shall be considered conduct unbecoming a Union
Member, subject to Constitutional trial procedure.
(X) Election
Procedure for Delegates for the Regular U.A.W. Constitutional Convention
(1) Delegates
shall be elected by simple plurality vote and only the immediate runners-up
shall be utilized as alternates and/or observers by a ratio of one (1)
runner-up for the first four (4) elected Delegates. When there are five (5) or more Delegates,
not more than two (2) Alternate Delegates shall be authorized. They shall be
selected, as such, by their acquired Membership votes.
(2) Election
for Delegates to U.A.W. Constitutional Convention shall be scheduled so as to
make the results available at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the opening
of the Convention.
Section l. Local 2000, U.A.W. shall have the following
appointed Standing Committees:
Constitution and By-Laws -
nine (9) Members
Union Label - seven (7)
Educational - seven (7) Members
Community Services - seven (7)
Citizenship and Legislative (C.A.P.)
- as per Membership quota
Conservation and Recreation -
nine (9) Members
Civil Rights - seven (7)
Retirees - seven (7) Members
Women's - nine (9) Members
Consumer's Affairs - seven (7)
Cafeteria and Canteen - nine
(9) Members
Health and Safety Advisory (to
the Health and Safety Representative) – nine (9) Members
Newspaper - nine (9) Members
Veterans - seven (7) Members
(0) Chaplaincy - seven (7) Members
Alternates to the above Committees shall be
appointed on a ratio of one (1) alternate per three (3) regular Committee
Members. Alternates shall attend meetings with voice but no vote unless
substituting for a regular member.
Section 2. All Standing Committees shall be appointed
by the President within two (2) calendar months following the General Election,
subject to the approval of the Membership, except the Election and Trial
Section 3. All Committee Chairpersons shall keep a
complete financial itemized record and turn in all monies each month to the
Financial Secretary. These accounts shall be audited with the other accounts of
the Local Union.
Section 4. Each Standing Committee shall consist of at
least one (1) Executive Board Officer, except the Election Committee and the
Trial Committee.
Section 5. The above Committees shall perform all
duties assigned to them by the International Constitution, U.A.W. and By-Laws;
and, such additional duties as they may be directed to perform from time to time
by the Executive Board or Membership.
Section 6. Upon failure of a Standing Committee member
to abide by reasonable rules of the Committee or the responsibilities vested in
him/her by the International Constitution, U.A.W. and By-Laws, he/she shall be removed
by the President, with Membership approval. Any removal shall remain in force
for the duration of the unexpired term of the Local Union Office, but said
removal can be appealed to the Membership Body.
Section 7. All Committee Chairpersons are to make a
report to the Local Executive Board prior to submitting a report to the
Section 8. Among the obligations and responsibilities
of all Committee Members is the responsibility to attend all scheduled
Committee Meetings as outlined in Article 21 of these By-Laws and the
International Constitution, U.A.W.
Section 9. The Chairpersons of each Standing Committee
shall convene his/her Standing Committee at least once every two (2) months,
without pay and/or lost time.
Section 10. The quorum for each Standing Committee shall
consist of three (3) Members or more.
Section 11. All
Standing Committee requests shall be submitted to the Local Executive Board
prior to submitting a request to the Membership.
Section 1. The local union shall pay a representative
or member lost time only when that representative or member is performing
necessary duties for and on behalf of the local union during a time for which
he/she would otherwise be compensated by the employer. The amount of lost time
should never exceed the amount which the local union representative or member
would otherwise have received from his/her employer for the same period of time for
which he/she is being compensated by the local union. A member performing
authorized services for the Local shall be compensated for the time lost from
regular scheduled work at his/her regular rate of pay, to include appropriate
premiums and all negotiated contractual items. All members shall be entitled to
profit sharing and performance bonuses on all eligible wages provided by the
Local Union. Profit sharing and performance bonuses will be based on those
formulas and percentages provided by the UAW National Ford Department. Any
member who has refused overtime during five (5) days of the previous seven (7),
without sufficient cause, shall be limited to a maximum of eight (8) hours per
day lost time.
Section 2. Regular lost time shall be authorized by
the Membership. In the event an emergency arises between General Membership
Meetings that necessitates an Officer, Officers, Member or Members having to
represent the Local Union, the Executive Board shall be given the power, on
behalf of the Local Union, to authorize the proper representation with the
necessary expenditures and time in accordance with the Local By-Laws. However, in no case shall the Executive Board
be empowered to transact any business that may affect the vital interest of the
Local Union until such emergency action is first approved by the Membership.
Section 3. Lost time vouchers shall be presented not
later than thirty (30) calendar days after such loss of time and, upon
Membership approval, shall be paid promptly.
All errors or pay shortages must be declared within thirty (30) days
after initial lost time vouchers are submitted.
Section 4. TRAVEL DAYS
When a Member is
authorized by the Membership or the Executive Board to perform Union Business
out of town, that Member shall be allowed lost time as stated in Article 12. Travel days will be determined by the
Financial Secretary and as follows:
Over two hundred fifty (250)
miles from the Local Union Hall the Member shall be allowed two (2) days
travel, one (1) going and one (1) returning;
Over one hundred (100) miles,
but not over two hundred fifty (250) miles from the Local Union Hall, that
Member shall be allowed one (1) day travel;
One hundred (100) miles or less
from the Local Union Hall, no travel day will be permitted.
The Local 2000,
U.A.W. Financial Secretary will determine the most economical transportation
between driving and flying.
If flying is more economical,
the Financial Secretary will purchase the airplane ticket using the most
economical flight practical, which is not to exceed coach air fare. The plane
ticket receipt must be brought back to the Financial Secretary. Upon submission
of proper receipts to the Financial Secretary, the following charges will be
reimbursed: Transfer charges between the airport and hotel and back to the
airport shall not exceed thirty dollars ($30) each way, airport parking, up to
twenty dollars ($20) per day, airline baggage fee (up to two (2) bags),
turnpike tolls and miscellaneous related parking charges.
If driving is more economical,
a mileage rate will be paid, not to exceed the rate established by the
International Union, U.A.W. When more than one Member is required to drive to
the same meeting, and they travel together, only the driver will be given the
mileage rate. Gas receipts from the city in which the conference/event is held,
toll and parking receipts must be brought back to the Financial Secretary.
Where the word "mile" is used, it is to mean the most practical route
from the Local Union Office.
Section 6. LODGING
When a Member is
required to perform Union Business out of town and is required to stay
overnight, the lodging charges will be paid by the Financial Secretary at a
single room occupancy rate or one-half (1/2) of a double room rate if shared
with another Member. All such charges must be justified by the Delegate upon
his/her return with an itemized statement.
When a Member is
required to perform Union Business out of town:
(A) The
delegate shall be paid a daily per diem allowance using the I.R.S. "Per Diem Rate" as published in
I.R.S. Publication 1542 for the
city or area in which the business is being conducted, provided the I.R.S. rate
does not exceed the rate established by the International Union, U.A.W. The
allowance for travel days will be paid at twenty dollars ($20) per day.
In cases where all meals are
provided (Black Lake, Summer School, etc.), an allowance of eight dollars ($8)
per day will be paid.
(C) Under
twenty (20) miles one way from the Local Union Office, no Per Diem Allowance
will be paid.
Section 8. Tellers appointed under the provisions of
Article 10, Section 5(I) shall be compensated any lost time incurred.
Section 9. Either the President or Acting President
shall receive the sum of thirty-five dollars ($35) per scheduled week for
expense allowance for performing full-time duties of President.
Section 10. The Unit 1 Chairperson shall receive the sum
of fifty dollars ($50) per month as a regular monthly expense allowance. Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4 and Unit 5 Chairpersons shall receive the sum of thirty-five
dollars ($35) per month as a regular monthly expense allowance. Unit 6 Chief Steward shall receive the sum of thirty-five dollars ($35) per month as a regular monthly expense allowance.
Section 11. The Local 2000, U.A.W. Recording Secretary
shall receive the sum of thirty-five dollars ($35) per month as a regular
monthly expense allowance.
Section 12. The Local 2000, U.A.W. Financial Secretary
shall be a full-time assignment and shall be paid one hundred dollars ($100)
per month as a regular monthly expense allowance.
Section 13. The Local 2000, U.A.W. Treasurer will be paid
a regular monthly expense allowance of twenty-five dollars ($25) per month.
Section 14. The Chairperson of Local 2000, U.A.W. Retirees
Chapter will be paid the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25) per month as a
regular monthly expense allowance.
Section 15. When the dues paying Membership is reduced to
one thousand two hundred (1,200) or less, the provisions of Sections 9, 10, 11,
12 and 13 above are to be reduced fifty percent (50%). When the dues paying
Membership again is above one thousand two hundred (1,200), the provisions of
Sections 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 above are to be reinstated in full.
Section 16. Local Members, authorized by the Membership
to work full time on Local Union Business, shall receive fringe benefits equal
to contractual Company fringe benefits.
Section 17. All proposed social or recreational functions
submitted to the Membership shall include an estimated maximum cost before
being approved by the Membership.
Section 18. Any donation by the Local Union shall require
a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Membership present and shall not exceed
five hundred dollars ($500). Requests exceeding five hundred dollars ($500) must
be made in writing and have concurrence of the International Region #2B, U.A.W.
Section 19. Upon the death of a Local Union Member, a
floral wreath and a Bible expressing sympathy will be presented to the deceased
Member's family. A floral wreath or Bible will be presented to the Member upon
the death of a member of his immediate family. Immediate family is meant to
include any member of the family that entitles a Member to receive Bereavement
Pay from the Company. The expenditure for flowers is not to exceed seventy five
dollars ($75), excluding telegrams and delivery charges.
Section 20. Any purchases or contracts in excess of five hundred dollars ($500) shall be determined by at least three (3) separate competitive bidders before decisive Membership action is taken. Sealed competitive bids shall be mandatory.
Section 21. There will be one (1) annual social event
each year. The Membership shall have the right to cancel the event for
economical reasons. This expenditure is to be paid, in its entirety, from our
Local Union's Recreation Fund. The Recreation Committee will be allocated one
dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per Member to be used on door prizes. The Local
Union Financial Secretary will determine the average by taking the average
number of Members' dues that had been forwarded to the International Union,
U.A.W. in the previous twelve (12) months prior to the annual event.
Section 22. There shall be allocated fifty cents ($.50)
per month of each Member's present regular monthly dues to be specifically used
as a "Building and Maintenance Fund."
Section 23. The Recreation Committee shall present a
budget, no later than the January Executive Board Meeting, to be approved by
the Executive Board and the Membership. All requests for Recreation Fund
allocations must be submitted to the Local Union Recording Secretary at least
thirty (30) days prior to league play.
Only registration fees for
Regional or National UAW sponsored tournaments will be considered.
All sporting teams will be
eligible for up to three hundred
dollars ($300) per team. Each UAW sponsored league is eligible for up to three hundred dollars ($300) to be used for administrative costs, etc. To be eligible for Recreation Funds all teams must consist of members or spouses of members of Local 2000, U.A.W.
Basketball teams must have at
least twelve (12) Members; softball teams must have at least fifteen (15) Members;
all other teams/leagues must have at least twenty (20) Local Union Members to
be considered for allocation of Recreation Funds.
No additional expenses will be
incurred or considered by the Local Union or its representatives.
Section 24. The Local Union, a non-profit organization,
shall not be responsible for any fees, fines or lawsuits instituted against any
Officer or Member who willfully violates any Federal, State, County, City or
Labor Law that would involve Local 2000, U.A.W.
Section 25. In the event the Local is out on strike, all
Officers' and Members' expense allowances and wages shall be suspended
immediately for the duration of the dispute.
Section 26. A lady's or man's pocket or wristwatch shall
be presented by the Local Union to a Retiree within thirty (30) days after
pension enrollment in the U.A.W.-Company Retirement Plan.
Section 27. It shall be the responsibility of the
President to hire such office help as may be required, subject to the approval
of the Local Union's Executive Board.
28. During periods of temporary down
weeks where the company does not pay a Benefits Representative, the Local Union
will pay wages at up to forty (40) hours per week to a Benefits Representative
to perform his/her duties at the Local Union Hall.
Section 1. The
President and Unit Chairperson(s) shall be automatic Delegates to the National
Ford Council. Any additional credential delegates shall be determined from the
Bargaining Committee by highest vote acquired in the last General Election, and
shall be compatible with the By-Laws of the
National Ford Council. Number of
Delegates to Sub-Councils shall be in line with the By-Laws of the
Sub-Council. Fraternal or Alternate Delegates
shall be in accordance with Article 10, Section 7(X) of the Local By-Laws. The
President and Unit Chairperson(s) shall be automatic delegates to Sub Council
#2. Any additional delegates will be determined from the Bargaining Committee
by the highest vote acquired from the last General Election, and shall be
compatible with the By-Laws of Sub Council #2.
Section 2. The President shall, with the concurrence
of the Membership, appoint all C.A.P. Council Delegates.
Section 3. The Skilled Trades Chairperson shall be an
automatic Delegate to the Sub-Council 3 and Skilled Trades Conventions.
Alternate Delegate shall also be from Appendix D.
Section 4. Any Member serving as Delegate of the Local Union must meet the attendance requirements as outlined in Article 21, Sections 1 and 2.
5. In accordance with Sub-Council 3 By-Laws, an officer of Sub-Council 3 (President, Vice President or Secretary/Treasurer) elected by this Sub-Council 3 who loses his/her status as a regular delegate shall be entitled to serve the remainder of his/her term as officer.
Section 1. These By-Laws shall be amended, altered or revised only to conformity with the following procedures:
A resolution or motion, in writing, calling for amendment, alteration or revision shall be presented and
read to a General Membership Meeting. This resolution shall contain article and section to be considered for change.
The resolution or motion shall
then be referred to the By-Laws Committee and shall be reported out by said
Committee at the next General Membership Meeting, together with the
recommendations of the By-Laws Committee. It shall take two-thirds (2/3) vote
to consider the amendment approved by the Local Union Membership.
The Local 2000 Recording
Secretary shall notify the Membership at least seven (7) days in advance of
meeting of any proposed By-Laws changes that will be reported out by the
By-Laws Committee.
Section 2. The By-Laws of the Local Union shall at all
times be subordinate and subject to the provisions of the Constitution of the
International Union, U.A.W., as such Constitution now exists or may, from time
to time, hereafter be altered or amended; and, in the event of any conflict,
the Constitution of the International Union, U.A.W. shall govern.
Section 3. Two (2) copies of these By-Laws or any
additions, alterations or revisions shall be submitted to the Regional Director
for submission to the International Executive Board for approval.
Section 1. A Member may be brought up on charges for
the following reasons, or any other cause, as is provided for in the
International Constitution, U.A.W.:
Making false statements
against a Brother or Sister Member.
Obtaining or converting
unlawfully, money or property belonging to the Local Union or any subdivision
Failure to uphold the
International Constitution, U.A.W. and Local By-Laws or interest of the Local
or its Members.
Becoming a strike breaker or
giving the Company information concerning the Local's interest.
Attempting to illegally use
the powers of any Committee or Office for personal gain.
Obtaining membership through
fraudulent means or by misrepresentation.
Instituting, urging, or
advocating that a Member of the Local Union institute action in a court against
the Local or any of its Officers or Members
without first exhausting all remedies through the forms of appeal of the Local
and International Union, U.A.W.
Any Officer or Member who shall
write, or cause to be written, circulate, or cause to be circulated, any false
or slanderous report or statement concerning the policy of this Local Union or
any of its Officers or Members who shall perform, or cause to be performed, any
act derogatory to the interest of this organization shall be penalized as
provided in the International Constitution, U.A.W.
Any Member who is disorderly,
intoxicated or gambling around the voting polls shall have charges preferred
against him/her and be tried in accordance with the International Constitution,
(J) Any
member convicted of any one or more of the above offenses may be reprimanded
and/or suspended.
Section 1. Trials of Local Union Members shall be as
prescribed in the Constitution of the International Union, U.A.W.
Section 2. A Member who has been listed as delinquent
by the Local Union's Financial Secretary may appeal such ruling to the Local
Union Executive Board. In such cases it
shall be permissible for the Executive Board to set up a Fact Finding
Sub-Committee of at least five (5) Executive Board Members to hear such appeal
and make recommendations to the Membership for determination of such appeal.
This procedure is not a trial within the meaning of the International
Constitution, U.A.W.; it is merely an administrative device for the purpose of
gathering the facts upon which the Membership can make a ruling.
Section 1. Any person or persons dissatisfied with the
action or decision of the Local Union, or any representative thereof, other
than the action or decision of the Membership of the Local Union, shall take
his or her appeal or complaint to the Local 2000, U.A.W. Recording Secretary
within sixty (60) days as permitted by the International Constitution, U.A.W.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall refer the matter
to the Bargaining Committee if it involves collective bargaining; otherwise,
the Executive Board shall consider the matter itself.
Whichever of these bodies the
matter is referred to shall consult with the grievant, permit him/her full
opportunity to be heard, and reach a decision.
Within thirty (30) days of
receiving a notice of such decision, the grievant, if wishing to appeal
further, shall submit his/her appeal to the Local 2000, U.A.W. Recording Secretary,
in writing, for consideration by the earliest possible General Membership
The grievant, if dissatisfied
with the lower tribunal, may then seek recourse by the next tribunal in authority,
in accordance with the International Constitution, U.A.W.
Section 1. Strikes shall be called or terminated only
in strict conformance with the International Constitution, U.A.W.
Section 2. A Strike Committee shall be
established. It shall consist of the
duly elected Executive Officers, Unit Chairpersons, Unit Bargaining and Unit District
Committeepersons/Stewards, all other Unit(s) Elected Representatives, all
Standing Committees and all appointed Union Officials.
Section 3. In the event of a strike, it shall be the
duty of each Member to perform his/her strike duties as directed by the Strike
Committee, or be subject to penalties as provided in the International
Constitution, U.A.W.
Section 4. No other type balloting shall take place
during the period of a strike vote.
The duties are
defined as follows:
(A) Shall
be the Chairperson of his/her Unit Bargaining Committee, responsible to the
President, Executive Board and the Membership.
(B) Shall
be responsible for the day-to-day operations of his/her Unit.
(C) The Unit 1 Chairperson shall include the Skilled Trades Chairperson/Committee Person in Skilled Trades second-stage grievances and above.
(D) The Unit 1 Chairperson shall include Skilled Trades Chairperson/Committee Person in Skilled Trades related local negotiations.
(E) Shall
give direction to the Bargaining Committeepersons, District Committeepersons
and other such appointed Officials as may be assigned to his/her Unit. He/she shall be
responsible to fill any absences occurring within his/her Unit, as provided for by
the By-Laws of UAW Local 2000.
(F) In
the event the Unit Chairperson is absent:
(1) Unit 1 – The Member of the Unit 1
Bargaining Committee having received the highest number of votes in the last
General Election shall serve as Unit Chairperson during his/her absence.
(2) Unit 2 – An Alternate Chairperson
may be appointed by the Chairperson.
(3) Unit
3 – An Alternate Chairperson may be appointed by the Chairperson.
(4) Unit 4 – The Vice Chairperson shall
replace the Chairperson during his/her absence.
(5) Unit 5 – The day shift
Committeeperson will replace the Chairperson in his/her absence.
(6) Unit 6 – The Vice Chief Steward shall replace the Chief Steward in his/her absence..
(G) Shall
make recommendations of appointments to the President of the Local Union
concerning the respective Unit and that Membership.
(A) The
Unit(s) Bargaining Committees shall be composed of as follows:
(1) Unit 1 – Four (4) Members, the
Unit Chairperson and three (3) Bargaining Committeepersons.
(2) Unit 2 – Chairperson
(3) Unit 3 – Chairperson and shift
(4) Unit 4 – Chairperson,
Vice-Chairperson, Recording Secretary and Steward(s)
Unit 5 – Chairperson,
Two (2) Committeepersons and two (2) alternates
(6) Unit 6 – Chief Steward, Vice Steward, Recording Secretary, Skilled Trades Representative and Steward(s).
(B) The
Unit Bargaining and Unit District Committees shall be authorized to bargain
with the Members of Management on all in accordance with the Grievance
Procedure of the Contract and Local Ratified Agreements.
(C) The Unit 1 Bargaining Committee shall include Skilled Trades Chairperson/Committee Person in Skilled Trades second stage grievances and above.
(D) It
shall be the responsibility of the Unit Bargaining and Unit District Committees
to keep records of all grievances and dispositions of same.
(E) When
the initial stage of a written grievance is instituted, the aggrieved shall
receive a signed receipt including the identification grievance serial number
from the attending Committeeperson. When final disposition is made on a
grievance, a disposition notice, in duplicate, will be signed by either the
Unit Bargaining or Unit District Committeeperson, according to the stage of the
grievance, one (1) copy to be given to the aggrieved, if requested, the other
retained on record in the Local Union files.
(F) Notice
will be posted on plant and Union bulletin boards on a monthly basis of all
grievance dispositions.
(G) It
shall be the duty of each Committeeperson to investigate and write Health and
Safety complaints on all accidents leading to injury in his/her assigned District
and to report immediately his/her findings to the Health and Safety Representative
in his/her Unit.
(H) Temporary
vacancies due to any form of absenteeism in the Unit(s) Bargaining Committee
shall be temporarily filled by:
(1) Unit 1 – The Unit Bargaining
Committee Chairperson, by highest vote acquired in the last General Election,
from the full time original group of Unit District Committeepersons.
(a) Temporary vacancies in the Unit District
Committee shall be filled temporarily by the immediate runner-up in the Unit
District Committee, when possible.
2) Unit 2 – As designated by the
Unit Chairperson.
3) Unit 3 – Temporary vacancies
shall be filled by the Elected Alternates
4) Unit 4 – Temporary vacancies
shall be filled by the Elected Alternates
5) Unit 5 – Temporary vacancies
shall be filled by the Elected Alternates
6) Unit 6 – Temporary vacancies
shall be filled by the Elected Alternates
(I): Permanent
vacancies in Unit 1 Bargaining Committeepersons/District Committeepersons shall
be filled by:
(1) A permanent vacancy in the Unit
Bargaining Committee shall be filled by an election within sixty (60) calendar
days by secret ballot in accordance with Article 10, Sections 2 and 3 of these
(2) A permanent vacancy in the Unit District
Committee shall be filled by an election within sixty (60) calendar days by
secret ballot in accordance with Article 10, Sections 2 and 3 of these By-Laws.
(J) Among
the obligations and responsibilities of all Unit Bargaining Committeepersons
and Unit District Committeepersons is to attend all scheduled meetings as
outline in Article 21 of these By-Laws and the International Constitution,
3. In case of a
reduction in force (temporary or permanent) the seniority status of Unit
Bargaining Committeepersons shall be determined by the highest vote acquired in the last General Election;
the seniority status of Unit District Committeepersons shall also be determined
by the highest vote acquired in the last General Election, with the exception
of the Skilled Trades Chairperson/Committeeperson who is covered by the
National Agreement. All Unit District Committeepersons shall be reduced before
any Unit Bargaining Committeeperson(s) is affected.
(A) Local Unit Bargaining and Unit District
Committeepersons shall retain, during their term of office, all contractual
negotiated rights and privileges implied by Local and National Agreements.
(B) In
the event of a temporary layoff which requires a reduction of a Unit Bargaining
Committeeperson(s) the retention shall be determined by the highest vote
acquired in the last General Election.
A Unit Bargaining or Unit
District Committeeperson may be recalled by the Members he/she represents for
failure to perform the duties of his/her Office.
A vote on the question of
recalling a Unit Bargaining or Unit District Committeeperson may be initiated
by a petition setting forth the reasons why the recall is sought and signed by
at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the current Members working under the
jurisdiction of the Unit Bargaining or Unit District Committeeperson. However,
a determination must first be made by the Local Union President or Executive
Board, within fifteen (15) days of receipt, that a valid petition for recall
has been presented before a meeting to recall may be scheduled.
Twenty-five percent (25%) of
the current Members working under the jurisdiction of the Unit Bargaining or
Unit District Committeeperson must be present at the Recall Meeting to
establish a quorum.
A two-thirds (2/3) vote of
those present and voting is necessary to recall. NOTE: The petition requirement
and quorum requirement must be the same percentage figure.
Upon a Unit Bargaining or Unit
District Committeeperson being recalled by his/her District(s), the President shall
be required to convene a Special Membership Meeting of the respective Unit
within fifteen (15) days to consider the recall.
Each page of the petition
shall carry an identical caption setting forth specifically the nature of the
alleged offense or offenses of the accused Committeeperson's failure to perform
the duties of his/her Office.
The Local 2000 Recording
Secretary, upon receiving a validated petition from the Local Union President
or the Executive Board shall, within one (1) week, notify all Members
represented by the protested Committeeperson, by mail, addressed to their last
known home address. This notice shall stipulate the time, place and details of
the specific complaints, at least seven (7) days in advance of the scheduled
Recall Meeting.
The Local 2000 Recording
Secretary, upon receiving such petition, shall notify the protested
Committeeperson by registered mail at least seven (7) days prior to the
scheduled Recall Meeting, addressed to his/her last known home address, stipulating
time, place and specific details of complaint.
Upon such Recall Meeting
being held, the complaints contained in the valid petition shall be read to the
Members present. The Committeeperson to be recalled and any of his/her constituents
shall be given ample opportunity to thoroughly discuss such complaints prior to
a secret vote being taken.
The Executive Board Members
shall conduct the secret recall vote and, upon immediate tabulation, shall
disclose the results.
(K) Such
scheduled Recall Meeting shall transpire regardless if waived by the protested
Committeeperson. Any appeal shall be made directly to the Unit Membership
within sixty (60) days.
(L) Soliciting
of recall petitions shall not conflict with established Company rules. NOTE:
Reference to “Committeeperson” above refers to Unit Chairpersons, Unit
Bargaining Committeepersons and Unit District Committeepersons/Stewards and or
other Unit Elected Offices.
Section 1.
In accordance with the
International Constitution, U.A.W. Retired Members of Local 2000 shall
formulate a Local Union Retired Workers Chapter.
Members of this Chapter shall
hold regular monthly meetings.
They shall enact By-Laws
consistent with, and subject to, the approval of the International Union,
This Retirees Council shall
have one (1) Delegate per each one thousand (1,000) Retired Members, if
approved by the International Executive Board.
Each Local Union shall be
entitled to at least one (1) Retiree Delegate designated by the President.
The Retired Workers Chapter
shall elect a Retired Member to be a Member of the Local Executive Board with
voice and vote. This election shall be pursuant to the International
Constitution, U.A.W. He/She shall only be permitted to vote on matters specifically
related to Local Union administration policy.
He/She shall not have the right to
vote in elections conducted pursuant to the International Constitution, U.A.W.
As outlined in the
International Constitution, U.A.W. our Local President or his/her designee shall
serve as a Member of the Governing Board of the Local Union Retired Workers
Chapter, with voice and vote.
Local 2000 will cover dinner
expenses for the annual Local 2000 Christmas party. Expenses will cover dinner
for each Local 2000 retiree with one (1) guest.
Section 1. The attendance requirements (regardless of a quorum) of all elected and appointed
positions and standing committees of this Union are as follows:
(A) They shall attend two (2) of three (3) General
Membership Meetings; and,
Shall attend two (2) of three
(3) meetings involving their Office or position; or,
9 Have a reasonable excuse which
shall be presented and accepted by the Membership at the next scheduled General
Membership Meetings; or
(D) Upon late arrival to the Membership Meeting, (General or special), all Officers (elected and/or appointed) must report to the Local 2000, U.A.W. Recording Secretary immediately to be checked off on the Roll Call of Officers.
Section 2. The above rules also apply to all appointed positions that must have the approval of the International Union, U.A.W. subject to the provisions of the International Constitution, U.A.W.
Section 3. Failure to comply with the above attendance
rules shall result in automatic removal from their elected office and they
shall not be permitted to run for any elective office for the balance of the
term of office from which they were removed, except as a delegate to the
International Convention.
Section 4. A
member who holds an internationally appointed position who fails to comply with
the above attendance rules shall be referred to the U.A.W. National Ford
Section 1. The fiscal year of Local 2000, U.A.W. shall
begin with the first day of the month of January of each year and end with the
thirty-first day of December of the same year.
Section 2. Wherever in these By-Laws a pronoun is
used, it refers equally, where the reference is applicable, to both men and
women, in the singular and in the plural.
Section 3. Any elected Member of the Local Executive
Board, Unit Bargaining or Unit District Committees, appointed Standing
Committees, or any U.A.W. appointed Representative shall immediately notify the
Executive Board in the event they make application for any Company supervisory
Section 4. An emergency arising within the Local
between General Membership Meetings shall be interpreted as an unforeseen combination
of circumstances which call for immediate decisive action by a two-thirds (2/3)
vote of the Local Union Executive Board. Such action must be subsequently
presented to the Membership with complete details.
Section 5. Any resale of Local Union equipment shall
be advertised on in-plant Union bulletin boards. Bids must be open for at least fifteen (15)
days and the equipment sold only to the highest sealed bidder.
Section 6. All newspaper and radio news releases
pertaining to Local Union activities shall be authorized by the President.
Section 7. No elected official of Local 2000, U.A.W.
may hold a full-time appointed position in the Local Union for which he/she
receives any remuneration from the Company.
No full-time appointed
official who receives any remuneration from the Company may hold an elected
position within Local 2000, U.A.W.
In the event of a Member's
death, this collection will supersede all other scheduled collections.
To be eligible for a collection,
a Member must be on approved medical leave for at least sixty (60) calendar
Additional collections in the
same twelve (12) month period will be subject to the approval of the Executive
Emergency collections other than
the above must be subject to approval of the Executive Board.
Local Unit
ratification procedure will be conducted to permit each unit to vote separately
on those agreements specific to their unit. Absentee balloting as outlined in
Article 10, Section 7(K).
Section 1. No agent or official of Local 2000, U.A.W.
is authorized to execute a real estate lease, deed, service or maintenance
contract or other long-term agreement unless the proposed agreement has been
reviewed by an outside expert or attorney and approved by the Local Union
Executive Board.
* * *